29 Ocak 2013 Salı
25 Ocak 2013 Cuma
How I Met Your Mother izle ücretsiz
bu linkten ücretsiz olarak how ı met your mother dizisini izliyebilirsiniz arkadaşlar , şahsen buradan izliyorum. Sezon seçmek için üstteki butonlara tıklayın. iyi seyirler dilerim..
bu linkten ücretsiz olarak how ı met your mother dizisini izliyebilirsiniz arkadaşlar , şahsen buradan izliyorum. Sezon seçmek için üstteki butonlara tıklayın. iyi seyirler dilerim..
24 Ocak 2013 Perşembe
Barney stinson character profile - Karakteri
“Character Profile” –Barney Stinson!!!

Soon after he got into wearing suits. Shortly after this he met Ted Mosby (in a stall in the bathroom) and became friends with him and his college pals Lily and Marshall. Several years after that the gang added Robin. During this time he was a womanizer who worked for a bank. Even though he seemed to be anti-marriage he thought that Lilly and Marshall as well as Ted and Robin made good pairs. When Lilly and Marshall broke up Barney actually flew to San Francisco to convince her to come home. Two years after Ted and Robin broke up Barney realized that he had fallen for Robin. He did nothing about it for a while, but for a short while they were a couple.
Ted Mosby character profile - Karakteri
“Character Profile” –Ted Mosby!!!
The Character Ted Mosby played by Josh Radnor and born in 1978. Ted met Marshal and Lily during their freshman year at Wesleyan University. He is Originally from Ohio, where he grew up with his younger sister, and his uncommunicative parents. He now lives in New York City near the corner of 75th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
Ted always Dreamed of being a famous architect, and spent years at a prominent New York design firm before striking out on his own. After failing to establish his own design firm, Ted accepted a teaching position at Columbia University, where he almost runs into his future wife. Ted regularly corrects people's minor errors (mostly pronunciation and grammer) and loves Art Deco Architectre, especially the Empire State Building. During his early 20s he became friends with Barney Stinson and 3 years before he turned 30 he met Robin Scherbatsky. He and Robin dated for a yea, but broke up and managed to stay friends.
Lily Aldrin character profile - Karakteri
“Character Profile” –Lily Aldrin!!!
Played by Alyson Hannigan and born in 1978, is a kindergarten teacher. She is married to Marshall Eriksen and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Lily also dreams of being anartist and at one point paints a portrait of Marshall in the nude. She also has a hugedebt problem because of her impulsive buying practices. She is able to hide this from Marshall until they apply for a mortgage. She cannot keep a secret, and is often shown to be the most selfish and spoiled of the group, but despite those traits she is a very caring person and will much of the time do thankless acts for the good of her friends. She met Marshall and Ted in college and almost immediately started dating Marshall.
They were together for about 9 years and engaged for almost a year when Lily broke up with Marshall to move to San Francisco to concentrate on her art. She was there for a summer and came back to NYC but Marshall was too hurt that they stayed separated for another couple months afterward. They eventually patched things up and got married. They moved into an apartment in Dowisetrepla which they do not know at first stands for Down Wind of the Sewage Treatment Plant.
They want children, but for a while are scared so they don't try. Later Lily and Marshall make a bet that once they have seen the doppelganger of every member of their gang they will start trying for a child. By the summer of 2010 they have seen all but Barney's doppelganger when Lily sees what she thinks his doppelganger (it wasn't). The rest of the gang knew this meant she was ready for a child and let her believe it.
Marshall Eriksen character profile - Karakteri
"Character Profile" -Marshall Eriksen!!!
Played by Jason Segel and born in 1978, Marshall met Ted and Lily during their freshman year at Wesleyan University. Marshall lives in Ted’s apartment with his girlfriend Lily and Ted. He is a Columbia Law School graduate originally from St. Cloud, Minnesota. Even though he stands at six-foot-four, he is the shortest male member of his family.
Marshall became a lawyer because he was interested Environmental protection laws. Ultimately, he accepted a job at a corporate law firm where his only client is an amusement park riddled with various safety violations. He later joins the legal team at Goliath National Bank, where Barney also works. Marshall is also very good at games and highly interested in food and paranormal happenings, specifically Sasquatch and the Loch Ness monster (or as he refers to "her", "Nessie") and play's the piano fairly well.
Robin Scherbatsky character profile - Karakteri
“Character Profile” –Robin Scherbatsky!!!
Played by Cobie Smulders and born in 1980, she is a TV news reporter/co-host of a 4 AM TV news show, 'Come On Get Up New York'. She was originally from Canada and named after her father, who treated her more like a boy than a girl. For most of the second season, she dated Ted after Ted spent much of the first season pursuing her romantically.
Early in the first season, it was established that she does not become Ted's wife, instead becoming "Aunt Robin" to Ted's children. Despite their break-up, there continued to be some sexual tension between them throughout most of the third season, most obviously when Robin brought home her new Argentinian boyfriend from the trip she and Ted had planned together.
As a teenager, she was a bubblegum pop singer named Robin Sparkles who toured malls across Canada following her minor hit "Let's Go to the Mall" and debacle "Sandcastles in the Sand." Her first boyfriend was Simon, who starred in her second music video.
In season 4, Robin moves in with Ted after leaving her short-lived job in Japan. During the fourth season finale, she and Barney pursue a relationship, but they mutually end it later in season 5. One of her idiosyncrasies include having predilections towards fights. She also is frequently made fun of for her tendency to laugh while lying. Though she stated explicitly throughout the seasons that she does not like children, “future” Ted mentioned that she eventually grew to like children.
23 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba
Barney Stinson The Bro Code 108 Rule
The bro code - Barney Stinson
1. Bros before hoes. I cannot stress this enough. Always remember, girlfriends come and go, but your boys are always there. Breaking this rule is to commit the cardinal sin against Team Testosterone.
2. Never drink the last beer, unless you've been granted specific permission that it's OK.
3. If a girl falls into the following criteria, she is off limits forever until the end of time:
A. Was an ex-girlfriend.
B. Your friend specifically told you he wanted her.
C. Is you're buddy's sister.
However, if it's your buddy's cousin, well she's up for grabs, and you're welcome to rub it in his face for years to come.
4. Never diss a guy if his team just lost a crushing game.
5. You must never own a cat.
6. If you get 2 tickets to the big game, the priority list for granting the second ticket is as follows:
A. Your best friends (in order of how long you've known them).
B. Your acquaintances.
C. Your co-workers.
D. The mailman.
E. The UPS guy.
G. John Kerry.
....Z. Your girlfriend.
7. You are allowed to enjoy exactly one chick TV show, and one chick flick. (Mine are Dawson's Creek and Love, Actually). You may have no more. And if you like Grease, well, we're already too late.
8. Birthday and Christmas presents for your guy friends are optional. Beer always makes a great gift.
9. If you go the bar with your buddies, you must buy a round of drinks at least once.
10. There are no mercy rules when playing someone in Madden, hoops, street hockey, bare-fisted boxing, etc.
11. If you owe someone money, pay them back as soon as humanly possible—unless it's a gambling debt, which must be paid immediately.
12. Standard shotgun rules are as follows.
A. Shotgun may only be called within full sight of the car.
B. Shotgun must be called outside.
C. Shotgun calls last approximately ten minutes.
D. Shotgun never carries over to a second ride.
13. NO PDA (Public Displays of Affection). Hey, congratulations, another girl can stand the sight of you. You don't need to wear her like a ******* trophy.
14. It's alright to cheat at any game where money isn't involved. In certain circumstances, relationships may be classified as "games."
15. Don't tell other guys elaborate stories about your weightlifting exercise routine. No one cares.
? 16. Never openly question another guy's sports wisdom, unless said information specifically pertains to your favorite team. It doesn't matter how ludicrous the other guy sounds telling you that Jake Plummer was better than Steve McNair last season, let him be.
17. When out with the guys, never accept a call from your girlfriend—unless she's dying or trapped under a burning fuel truck, and if that's the case, make it quick.
18. Always allow a buffer zone at urinals and on couches.
19. Never share a bed with a guy, unless there's no way around it.
20. Bros Before Hoes. I know, I already used it. I can't stress it enough, though. It is absolutely infuriating how many of my guy friends have become insufferable ***** since they've gone out with someone.
21. In a 6 person hot tub, there should be a maximum of 3 bros.
22. A bro should not sing and dance at the same time
23. A bro should not watch Oxygen, Womens Entertainment, or Lifetime.
18. Always allow a buffer zone at urinals and on couches.
19. Never share a bed with a guy, unless there's no way around it.
20. Bros Before Hoes. I know, I already used it. I can't stress it enough, though. It is absolutely infuriating how many of my guy friends have become insufferable ***** since they've gone out with someone.
21. In a 6 person hot tub, there should be a maximum of 3 bros.
22. A bro should not sing and dance at the same time
23. A bro should not watch Oxygen, Womens Entertainment, or Lifetime.
24. Bros do not lie about their age, exept to score with a slightly older chick who doesnt date younger guys.
25. A bro should not swing his arms when he is walking.
26. A bro should never carry a woman's handbag
27. A bro should never go tanning.
28. No bro should dye their hair
29. A bro should never refer to an athlete as a "stud"
30. A bro should never cry during a movie. In the event that he does, he must under no circumstance admit it to anyone other than a girl he is trying to score with.
31. A bro should not "pop" his collar.
32. A bro should not speak more than two languages.
33. A bro should never say "it's to die for"
34. A bro should not wear a scarf without a jacket or coat.
35. A bro should not wear an ascot.
36. A bro should never use the following words: fantabulous, ginormous & fierce.
37. A bro should never wrap a towel around his head after leaving the shower.
38. A bro should never "sip" and alcoholic drink through a straw
39. A bro should never wear a blouse.
40. If you are not living with a girl you should not have tampons in your bathroom.
41. A bro should not wear crocs.
42. A bro should not wear a leotard or do pirouettes.
43. A bro should never wear a sweater over his shoulders
44. A bro should not eat grapes from the vines
45. A bro should never rollerblade
46. The word cute should not be used other then describing a chick they want to bone
47. If you compliment a bro on his six-pack, you better be referring to his beer.
48. A bro should never, ever wear capri pants.
48. A bro should not wear flip flops with a suit.
49. No bro should wear a speedo to the beach
50. No bro should make a kissing face in a photo.
51. No bro should wear girl jeans
52. No bro should ever get a pedicure
53. A bro should never highlight his hair.
54. A bro should not talk to another bro in the bathroom.
55. A bro should never sing show tunes.
56. A bro should never eat out of another man's hands.
57.Two bro should not share an umbrella.
58. A bro should not have "an outfit".
59. A bro should not wear a white belt.
60. A bro should never wiggle out of a pair of pants
61. "A bro will, in a timely manner, alert his bro to the existence of a girl fight." A Bro must never hesitate before communicating the possibility of fisticuffs between two humans of the female variety [[HENCEFORTH "GIRL FIGHT"]], in an effort to make possible and probable that another Bro or Bros can partake in observation. A timely manner is open to interpretation based on the initial Bro's viewing and processing of the potential feminine conflagration. Said Bro must use any and all methods of media distribution at his disposal, including but not limited to: telecommunications, elbow nudging, fiber optics, the Broney express, and postcards. If an informed Bro is unable to witness the girl fight firsthand, the spotter Bro is responsible for documenting and relating details of the girl fight via pictures, video*, or barring any other reasonable method, interpretive dance and/or pantomime. Tabling Bro obligations to witness a XX chromosomal scuffle is not only condoned, but encouraged
63. A Bro shall never reveal the score of a sporting event to another Bro until that Bro has three times confirmed it's cool.
64. A Bro may not speculate on the expected Bro / chick ratio of a party or venue without first disclosing the present-time observed ratio.
65. If a Bro, for whatever reason, becomes aware of another Bro's girlfriend's birthday and / or anniversary date, he shall endeavor to make that information available to his Bro, regardless whether he thinks his Bro already knows.
66. One Bro makes a solo chick attack.
A second Bro provides a crutch.
A third Bro rounds out the pack.
But a fourth Bro is one too much.
67. Should a Bro be near to closing with a girl, his Bro shall do anything within his means to ensure the desired outcome, up to and including the seduction of said girl's wildly unattractive cousin / friend / mother.
68. A Bro shall honor his father and mother.
69. In the event that two Bros acquire the same target, the Bro with the longe
70. In a scenario in which two or more Bros are engaged in entertainment of the adult variety, one Bro is forbidden from intentionally or unintentionally touching another Bro in ANY capacity, including but not limited to; the high five, the first bump, or the congratulatory gluteal pat. Winking is also kind of a no-no.
71. A Bro much provide his bro with a ticket to an event if said event involves the second Bro's favorite sports team in a playoff scenario.
72. A Bro must always reciprocate a round of drink(s) among Bros with the assumtion that no existing wager supersedes this purchase and exchange of spirits.
73. If a Bro suffers pain from a permanent dissolution of a relationship with a lady friend, a Bro shall offer nothing more than a "that sucks, man" and copious quantities of beer. A Bro will also refrain from pejorative commentary – deserved or not – regarding said lady friend for a period of three months, when the requisite BACKSLIDE WINDOW has closed.
74. Should a Bro pick up a guitar at a party and commence playing, another Bro shall point out that he is a tool.
75. If a Bro is on a hot streak, another Bro will do everything possibly to ensure its longevity, even if that includes jeopardizing his own records, the missing of work, or temporarily immigrating to a foreign country.
76. "A Bro never cries."
77. "A Bro may never pursue the mom of another Bro." Be it here resolved that at no point is it permissible for one Bro to engage in carnal delicacies with another Bro's mother. It is, however, allowed and encouraged for one Bro to graphically suggest to a Bro the athletic feats, animalia, and/or machinery utilized during a fictional encounter with his mom. Should a Bro discover his Bro is in fact adopted, he is free to pursue his Bro's adoptive mother, but only after first corroborating non-biological parentage through notarized birth certificates, hospital records, or comparative dioxyribonucleic acid gel electrophoresis, whichever is easiest. Since the adopted Bro cannot legitimately claim to have shared a canal with his Bro. Though the mom of a Bro is always off limits, the step-mom of a Bro is allowed if she initiates it and/or is wearing at least one article of leopard print clothing. If she looks good in it.
78. No sex with a bros Ex
79. No Eye contact in a Devils threesome ( 2 dudes)
80. Never make fun of a bros Girlfriend
81. No sex With a Bros Ex
82. No eye contact during a Devils Three Way (Two Dudes)
83. A bro must never call another bro just to chat
84. A Bro Must Never Saw "Awww"
85. A Bro must Never watch the movie Hope Floats
86. A Bro must be a fan of Mixed Martial Arts
87. A Bro must never take a bath regardless of being injured in a Backyard Wrestling Match
88. Leave No Bro Behind
89. When another bro is in a fight you must always have his back, unless he has done something recently which would deserve a beating then let him recieve a few shots then jump in
90. A bro must never leave without saying anything
91. A bro always be willing to do something awesome™
92. A bro must never chug any drink unless in a chugging contest
93. Bros must make small bets as often as possible
94. Bros must have a good time no matter what
95. Bros must make movies quotes as often as possible
96. Bros must watch the movie WEDDING CRASHERS at least once a month
97. Bros must watch the show entourage
98. Bros must never comment each other on myspace. If your comments are viewable on your profile it needs to be chicks only. Messeges only, but still never just to chat ( Rule 83)
99. A bro must never tell other bros he has a "broken heart"
100. A bro must never distract another bro while playing Guitar Hero.
101. A bro must never put smily faces in messeges, comments, texts etc.
102. If one Bro is an attorney, and another Bro finds himself in need of legal advice, Bro 1 will endeavor to provide said services free of charge.
103. Should a bro discover a new planet and/or orbiting body of subsequent planet, he shall not be allowed to name said astrological body after any girl
104. A Bro shall NEVER follow 'conventional' rules whilst playing the divine game of Battleship.
105. A bro must, at all times, suit up.
EXCEPTION: Funerals. A suit is a happy thing. If a bro must mourn, he shall do it in a white T-shirt.
106. A bro will always give a non-bro , if considerd worthy, a challange if said non-bro wants to join the brohood. The challange will be chosen by said bro, or other bros present.
107. A bro never hits another bro in the groin unless its a punishment for breaking The Bro Code.
108. Once a bro, always a bro. When/if The Bro Code is ever broken, said bro will do whatever the effected bro desires. If the second bro is unable to come up with anything, we shall revert to the rules of a Slap Bet, therefore the first bro will have to choose between ten slaps by effected bro or five slaps to be carried out at any point in time. If no bro is affected, his best bro must choose a modest punishment in public.
Barney Stinson's Bro Code Türkçe
- Kankalar hayat kadınlarından önce gelir. Kız arakadaşlar gelir ve gider ama kankalarınız her zaman yanınızdadır. Bu kural ihlal edildiği takdirde testesteron takımına karşı işlenmiş en büyük günah olarak anılacaktır.
- Asla son birayı içme.
- Asla kedi sahibi olma.
- Eğer büyük bir spor karşılaşmasına 2 biletin varsa öncelikli olarak diğer bileti vereceğin kişi…
- En iyi arkadaşların (Yakınlık derecelerine göre değişir)
- Daha önce tanıştığın birileri
- İş arkadaşların
- Postacı
- Kuryeci adam
- Nasa
- John Kerry
- Kız arkadaşın
- Doğumgünleri ve yılbaşlarında erkek arkadaşlarına vereceğin en güzel hediye bira olmalı.
- Arkadaşlarınla bir bara veya gece klübüne gittiğinde hayatında en az birkez onlara içki ısmarlaman şart.
- Şu yarışmalarda karşı tarafa hiç acınmaz ve merhamet gösterilmez. Sokak hokeyi, bilek güreşi, boks ve zıplama…
- Paranın olduğu her oyunda hile serbesttir.
- Asla vücut geliştirme anılarınızı diğer arkadaşlarınıza anlatmayın.
- Erkek erkeğe çıkılan bir gecede asla kız arkadaşınızdan gelen aramalara cevap vermeyin. Eğer kız arkadaşınız ölmüyor yada yanan bir arabanın içinde değilse tabii. Bu drumlarda da çabucak telefonu kapamaya bakın.
- Asla yatağını başka bir erkekle paylaşma.
- Sıcak bir jakuzi içinde 6 kişi isen maksimum 3 kankan olması gereklidir.
- İki kanka aynı anda dans etmemeli ve şarkı söylememelidir.
- Hiçbir kanka yaşı hakkında yalan söylememelidir. Sadece bu kural genç erkeklerden hoşlanan yaşlı bir bayan ortaya çıktığında bozulabilir.
- Bir kanka asla ellerini sallayarak yürümemelidir.
- Bir kanka asla bir kadının çantasını taşımamalıdır.
- Bir kanka asla güneşte yanmamalıdır.
- Bir kanka asla saçını boyatmamalıdır.
- Bir kanka asla bir film için ağlamamalıdır. Eğer karşısındaki kadını etkilemek için kullanacak ise bu durumu kural ihlali olabilir.
- Bir kanka asla 2 dilden fazla bilmemelidir.
- Bir kanka asla "işte buna ölürüm" cümlesini kurmamalıdır.
- Bir kanka asla ceket veya montsuz atkı giymemelidir.
- Bir kanka asla banyo sonrası başına sarık gibi havluyu sarmamalıdır.
- Bir kanka asla bluz giymemelidir.
- Bir kanka asla crocs giymemelidir.
- Bir kankanın asla patenleri olmamalıdır.
- Bir kanka asla kapri pantolon giymemelidir.
- Bir kanka asla takım elbise altına parmak arası terlik giymemelidir.
- Bir kanka asla fotoğraf çektirirken öpücük atmamalıdır.
- Bir kanka asla saçlarına gölge attırmamalı.
- Bir kanka asla pedikür yaptırmamalı.
- Bir kanka diğer bir arkadaşıyla banyoda konuşmamalı.
- İki kanka asla aynı şemsiyeyi kullanmamalı.
- Bir kanka kız dövüşü ortamda belirdiği zaman diğer kankası ile hemen irtibata geçmeli.
- Bir kanka bir ortamdaki kız popülasyonu hakkında abartılı anlatımlarda bulunmamalı. Ne görüyorsa onu söylemeli.
- Eğer bir kanka diğer kankasının sevgilisinin partisine gidiyorsa toplayabildiği tüm somut bilgileri toplamalı.
- Bir kanka asla ağlamaz.
- Kankasının eski sevgilisiyle ilişkide bulunamaz.
- Arkada hiçbir kankayı bırakma.
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