“Character Profile” –Barney Stinson!!!
Played by Neil Patrick Harris and born in 1976, Barney is a womanizer, favors suits, enjoys playing laser tag and performing magic tricks often involving fire, and frequently uses the words "awesome" and "legendary," which Ted believes he uses too liberally.
Barney was engaged to a woman in college, and when she broke up with him (leaving him still a virgin), his black American African, gay brother arranged for him to lose his virginity. The woman claimed he was awesome (as a favor to Barney's brother) which ignited Barney's unlimited confidence. Prior to losing his virginity, Barney was a long-haired hippie with plans to join the Peace corps.
Soon after he got into wearing suits. Shortly after this he met Ted Mosby (in a stall in the bathroom) and became friends with him and his college pals Lily and Marshall. Several years after that the gang added Robin. During this time he was a womanizer who worked for a bank. Even though he seemed to be anti-marriage he thought that Lilly and Marshall as well as Ted and Robin made good pairs. When Lilly and Marshall broke up Barney actually flew to San Francisco to convince her to come home. Two years after Ted and Robin broke up Barney realized that he had fallen for Robin. He did nothing about it for a while, but for a short while they were a couple.
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